Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Life Is Full Of Choices

I always say we have a choice.

No matter what circumstances that we find ourselves in, there are always options.

I really hate people who says “I don’t have a choice”

No such thing.

Stop bitching!

You had a choice but you choose not to choose.

You ignore the roads less taken.

Easier said than done?

Well, I now too have to make a choice.

I can choose to stay loyal or betray my principles.

I can choose to be loyal and stay in my comfort zone.

Or I can pursue other options and venture into the unknown.

I know lots of people will normally choose the comfort zone….. but I have never been normal.

But loyalty is one of my strongest traits.

Its not gonna be easy, but choose I will.

Screw loyalty if the one I pledge my loyalty to doesn’t give me the security that I need.

Gone are the days where I follow blindly.

I am too old for that shit now.

I am gonna be 40……


Yes, I guess I am changing with age.

Please smack me if I change too much.
