Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Nope…. I am not gonna lay on a couch and tell you about my relationship with my mother.

Its more like getting to know me better at work.

The boss is only as good as his team.

Yup, if the team suck, I suck too! (Sound so wrong. LOL)

But that’s what I believe in.

I need my team to be able to make decisions in all kinds of different situations.

Flexible but also firm. (Yummy! *wink*)

Anyways I am sure everyone has heard of the saying “If I catch you a fish, you will eat fish for a day, If I teach you how to fish, you can eat fish forever”.

Therefore I tend not to make decisions for my team.

I prefer them to look at a situation, make a decision and justify it.

There has been many instances that I do not agree with some decisions made by other HODs but I go along with it after voicing my objection.

This is called agreeing to disagree.

Not everyone will have the same principles or the same thoughts.

Versatility makes us colourful and interesting.

The thing is….. Normally, most of the time, people wants you to agree with them.

And when you don’t, they will try their best to persuade you to agree.

Why cant we agree to disagree?


Anyways, here is the thing……

You have made up your mind on what you want to do, but it made you feel guilty as it would mean letting your friend down.

So, you tried to tell me your problem and hopefully I would make that decision for you.

Actually I already can see that you have made up your mind.

You need not justify to me your reasons, you just need to stand your ground.

But instead you start telling me how it would affect you.

Keep in mind, I am a problem solver.

You throw a reason at me, I just knock it out of the ball park.

You just needed to say that your family is your priority and you needed the time off.

I wouldn’t have been able to knock that one down.

So, you get frustrated because I do not see things your way.

And finally, you found a HOD who gave you your solution.

Aiyoo… that solution has always been in you.

Why do you need someone else to make it for you?

It was a test for you because when in management, we need to stand our ground when making decisions.

You failed my dear.

It was not a total loss.

At least now I know you better.

Being in management means that you will have to make hard and unpopular decisions.

Being in a position of responsibility means that you need to upgrade and train your team.

Being in a position of power means that you need to see the big picture.

Each action has a reaction.

You are one of the nicest person that I have ever met.

But you need to learn to stand your ground.

Always remember, one good strong reason to justify your action is better than 10 lame excuses.

Until the next time we have a debate….. lets agree to disagree. *wink*


Placid Thoughts said...

thanks rizal. Thanks a lot.