Saturday, November 7, 2009


Family….. wat is family?

Just because we share the same bloodlines that makes us family?

Just because we share the same father or mother that makes us family?

Just because we share the same child that makes us family?

That just makes us genetically connected but it means shit if you dun act like family.

Hard love?

Hard love means doing something unpopular for the good of a loved one.

Not shoving a loved one in harms way just to prove a point.

How about when there is no point to prove but doing something for selfish reasons?

That’s even worse.

Dogs behave better than that, but I will not insult the dog by comparing you to a dog.

Family is sticking together through thick and thin.

Family is supporting a loved one even when they make an obvious mistake.

Family is giving advice but not shoving your ideals on to others.

Family is loving, caring, sharing, helping and supporting one another no matter what.

I have friends that I call family.

I have colleagues that I call family.

I am lucky to have a family that behaves like a family.

If you cant act like family just shut the fuck up and get out of the way.

Nobody asked for your advice.

Nobody asked you to save the day.

Nobody asked you to make a list.

Just go fuck yourself and die!