I know its strange but thats what I call my parents.
Father and Mother.
No special nicks or terms of endearment.... just an efficient Father Mother.
Our relationship is also the same... efficient.
There are no manja or loving moments.
Just an efficient relationship that does not even require us to say it.
We show our love with our actions.
We take care of each other when required.
Its cold.... but its efficient.
I have gotten so used to the way we are that I have forgotten how much I love them or how much they love me.
I just found out how much my parents love me.
Its strange.... I should already know... but I took them for granted.
I know they are willing to protect me when I needed protection but to actually hear what they did.
I cant put it in writing now what they did as it would reflect badly on someone else...
I love you too Mark, but you are so blind to what is happening around you.
I will never stand in your way to happiness but it saddens me that Father and Mother is put in a situation that they shouldn’t be.
I love your daughters like my own and it breaks my heart that you cant see their broken hearts.
Father.... Mother..... thank you.
I can never repay what you did.
I can never show you how I feel.
I want to.... but its not our way.
I can only tell you here.....
I love you guys with all my heart.
Father, I Love You.
Mother, I Love You.
Friday, November 28, 2008
I Love You, Father Mother
Posted by Mike Rizal at 4:29 PM 0 comments
I'm Back!
Eight days on the road is a real killer.
Its tiring. Its frustrating at times... but again, great company helps.
Also helps that they know all the good places to eat.
Should have put on lots of weight from all the heavy eating.... but its balanced out by the hard work involved.
Miss my baby the most when I was on the road.
Glad to be back with her again.
Took the east west road from Kota Bharu to Sungai Petani.
The last time I was on that road was more than 10 years ago.
Nothing has changed.
The scenery is still beautiful.
I can see that they are building a hotel near the big lake.
Its time the beauty of that place is shared with the world.
Posted by Mike Rizal at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Specially For My Baby
I Miss You.
Coz I’m Here Without You Baby.
You Will Always Be My Baby.
Upon Reflection... Thats The Way Love Goes.
You Gotta Have Faith.
I Want You Closer, We Will Never Be Too Close.
It Doesnt Have To be This Way, But I Miss You Much.
Nobody Knows How Much.
We Must Be Stronger.
I’d Die Without You.
Everything I Do, I Do It For You.
Its So Hard To Say Goodbye.
And I Am Telling You.
I Am Sorry.
I Am Crazy For You.
I Want To be Set Adrift On A Memory Bliss Of You.
Lean On Me. Relax.
Sadness Wont Help.
Things Will Get Better In Time.
We Can Never Return To Innocence.
I Love You.
Posted by Mike Rizal at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Kota Kinabalu

Posted by Mike Rizal at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Smoke Get In My Eyes
Due to political reasons and the threat of possible sedition, I cannot divulge the name of the person who I am quoting in here.
"Tunku Abdul Rahman did not allow Chinese to join when he started UMNO because there was a strong fear that the communist threat would infiltrate the party" in response to his opinion on the social contract.
"The NEP is no longer relevant as the hard working Malays do NOT need it".
He added the last sentance without any prompting.
Tears welled up in my eyes when he said that.
Any other person saying that would not have that effect, but the gentleman sitting in front of me is no ordinary person.
He is historical, he personally knows Tunku, he is surrounded by historical artifacts with pictures of all our previous Malaysian great leaders.
The effect it has on me was instant.
Without warning, I can feel my eyes watering.
I am so touched to know that the great minds of Malaysia knows the truth and sees the truth.
Its the propaganda of our newspapers and our leaders who is viciously talking about the social contract and the need for NEP.
This gentleman's opinion will never see the light of day in our newspapers as he knows Tunku too well to be doubted.
His opinion will cast a storm on xxxx.
It is lucky for xxxx that he has chosen a private and humble life with no political aspirations.
Though I have read of others who share the same opinion, but to personally hear it from this person, in his living room, it feels like I was there when Tunku shouted Merdeka.
Malaysia was built on the hardwork and great minds of our leaders.
A great mind has spoken, and it echos the opinion of many.
NEP needs to go and there is no such thing as a social contract.
I do not have the strength of RPK to fight the system or tell everyone about this information.
God forgive me and May God forgive those who has twisted the truth.
Posted by Mike Rizal at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Greatest Company Ever
Posted by Mike Rizal at 2:51 PM 0 comments
So Sorry....
I know there are lots of you who is pissed off at me for not blogging enough or is not around town enough.
Posted by Mike Rizal at 2:22 PM 0 comments