Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Some people fear change.

Some people want change.

Me? I am indifferent.

When I was in my early 20’s, I was already carving my name on the F&B scene. I had a nice little career in an international chain of restaurants. (Not a fast food chain)

Then my mum gave me some advice, if I want to try anything new, do it while I am young. It will be difficult once I get older.

I took her advice to heart and entered the field of sales and marketing. It was something that I dislike, but I wanted to master the art of selling. Change.

Career wise, I am always looking to change. I cannot sit still at a job for too long. I need challenges and I get bored easily. I need change.

Personality wise, I hate changes.

I know that there are times when one needs to change to be better but a lot of people change because they have to and not because they want to.

Once you get married, change.

Once you have kids, change.

That is why there is a high rate of divorce out there. People are changing because it is expected but not warranted. Changes that effects the behavioral instead of the mind. Some will cope while others will resent. Resentment built up over the years will cause the marriage to fail. By all means change, but don’t force the changes.

I have seen a lot of people change to appease their loved ones because they want to make their other half happy, but if your loved one does not accept you for who you are, he/she doesn’t deserve you. Go find someone who will love you for who you are.

How does a husband act? How is a father supposed to act?

Is there a guideline on how to be a husband or father?

Is it written in stone?

What is improper?

What is not right?

Why must husbands or fathers conform to the norms of society so that it is acceptable?

I have accessories on my fingers, ears and neck. Who says that it is not acceptable for a husband or father?

This is who I am.

No intention to change.

You get what you see.

I act and speak the same, whether I am at work or at play.

I am the same, whether I am a son, brother, husband, father or friend.

Take it or leave it! No changes for me!